
I feel like I should like this album more than I do. It’s certainly not bad - in fact it’s very good. But it just misses me somehow. I put that more on me than him.

<sadly shelves half-written allegorical screenplay in which wounded deer pilots giant ocean liner into iceberg while zeppelin explodes overhead>

Is there a gratuitous inclusion of the Kardashian girls somewhere mixed into the story? That’s the only thing I want to know.

Josh Charles too?

It would be great if you could zero in on an actual point. From what I gather, optimism is bad, and Nazis deserve a seat at the table? Do better to make a point.

Nope, they’re worse.

yeah i bothered to google that after the fact. turns out it is as disgusting as people were saying.

What do you mean everyone?

I like the clip of Liam on TRL.

i’m guessing the sex scene was never filmed because once they cast Natalie Portman the character was obviously changed to fit the age of the actress. the character could’ve been, conceptually, an older teen and it would’ve been at least inappropriate but at least not illegal.

John Wick seemed very much like they were trying to do a genre Korean action film in the US. That’s meant as a compliment.

Seeing a bunch of Pickle Rick tattoos on the internet tell me the meaning of that particular iteration of the character COMPLETELY flew over some fans’ heads.

See also: “Breaking Bad”, goDAMMit.

I really like the show, but its fandom is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. A bunch of people seem to think that the show endorses Rick’s behavior and philosophy and...no, it realllllly doesn’t.

Jesus Tapdancing Christ! The women who write the show these fuckheads love so much are getting harassed & doxxed for writing the show these fuckheads love so much. That is android head-exploding levels of irrationality.

I can watch interviews with either of the Gallagher brothers all day long. Love ‘em.

And this time they have noted anti-semite Mel Gibson who somehow got his career back.

I’m three for three!!!

The original show was actually pretty funny and charming. I'm sure Fox will find a way to prevent that.