
Oh no.

This is the real headline.  The National Film Registry has decided that Divine eating shit is culturally and historically relevant.

I just read Johns’ 2000's Legion trilogy and loved them. I haven’t read Bendis’ version, which is what the TV show would be based on. I haven’t really read much Bendis at all, because what I have read of his sucks on toast, and I’m not one to read something if I don’t think I’ll like it. Someday I’ll probably give

Sorry, I can’t keep track of which responses go with which subjects.  Just jumped in without thinking.

Well, there is good news: you’re all wrong, he’s fucking hilarious.  Easily best late night host going.

I understand to a certain point many of the positive qualities described in this review, but two things I can’t suspend disbelief over make the film unwatchable to me:

But where will they steal the choreography from?

This is terrible news.


You made those up.

There’s a scene where he convinces a young Simon Baker to go sleep with the much older DA to further his acting career.  I don’t think I can get through that scene or the movie.

I don’t know if this made it in the book, but this story about him almost going broke making Solarbabies is hilarious.

Oh shit, that’s who he is. Yeah, he was great in Romeo + Juliet. And as the Old Republic pilot in Star Wars: Jedi Chronicles: X-Wing: Andean Promises.

Half the commenters here: I hate the AVClub and have some personal insults for the writers. I will be back every other article for the next five years to elaborate on this point.

Whenever Pooch Hall’s not on screen, all the other characters should be asking “Where’s Pooch Hall?

Not to put too fine a point on it, but is it a little telling that Reitman Junior made a movie about a child being mad at a parent for deserting their family for their career, only for the child to ultimately come around and forgive the parent once the child has entered the parent’s field of work (busting

You know, like 6 or 7 years ago, I would have been so pumped for this, it sounds amazing. I watched Hannibal all the way through and loved it. But in my decrepit old age, I just feel overwhelmed trying to watch sadism.