
I need to know what I stand to win.

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I’m a simple man. It may be dated and cringy, but I like youtube videos of children’s shows set to hip hop.

Altman’s The Long Goodbye was not well received or respected for a long time (except by Siskel & Ebert).

Its mystifying to me that people come here for years just to say ‘the site sucks now, I hate [writer], everything here is wrong.’  Life is so goddamn short.

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I remember reading somewhere that Paul Thomas Anderson wishes that when he was making this, he’d A) calmed down a little and B) cut about 1/2 hour.

Sure, Moon Knight will be in a suit, but will it be the right suit:

“It’s got to be earned!”

I’m bewildered.

No, totally, I agree. For anyone who’s not well-off, who could turn down the chance the escape, even if it means selling who you are as a commodity. And especially when you don’t have any friends or family (other than his dead brother, obviously). Though maybe he does, on the outside of whatever he’s in. Lot of

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One thing worth mentioning about The Mummy Returns is that the trailer highlights all the actors returning from the first one. Usually for any movie, sequel or not, you only hear the names of the big stars, in this case Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, and “Introducing The Rock, read out loud by the big trailer voice guy

I know it’s been a minute on this conversation, but I wanted to mention: I still don’t know how I feel about “Fifteen Million Merits.” I started watching Black Mirror, intending to run the series, but haven’t watched another one after this (it was episode 2 of season 1, so the only other one I’ve seen is the

But will he apologize.

As soon as I saw this on screen:

Films should generally stand on their own, but franchise pictures all take place in the context of the other films in the series. By that measure, contrasting the Prequels with Rise of Skywalker and the whole recent series in general certainly brings out a lot of their positives for me.

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I don’t have a ranking, just a number one:

I liked Vendetti’s recent Hawkman series, where he basically said ‘it’s all true, even two Hawkmen in the same era, because he’s being reincarnated across time and space.’ Sort of an early version of Death Metal/Infinite Frontier.

Part VI Jason Lives is the best one in a walk. It knows how silly the whole premise is, and leans into it with the most fun kills, while not being as self-aware as Jason X (which I do enjoy). And it has my favorite quote from the whole series, when two campers are hiding from Jason under a bed: “So, what did you want

Reminds me of Bill Hicks’ bit about marketing: “’He’s going for the ‘anti-marketing’ dollar - that’s huge! Huge market!’ ‘Please stop turning everything into a dollar sign! Please!’ ‘Ooh, the ‘Plea For Sanity’ market.’”