
I agree, I’ve read that abused kids basically never lie. There was that whole ‘hypnosis’ horseshit from the 80's where kids were coached to lie, but that was an outlier. And while sorting out accusations and counter-accusations is challenging in cases like this, the kids’ testimonies should lend weight to the mother.

The mind fairly boggles.

I’m the only one, but I found The Lego Movie middling. The over-arching plot conceit was great and the dazzling mash-up visuals were fun as hell, but the jokes were a little too self-aware for me.

The acting in The People Vs. O.J. Simpson was fantastic, but the writing had a lot of problems - remember the annoying scene where David Schwimmer as Robert Kardashian tells his kids that being famous isn’t everything, but all the kids ignore him and look excited? It was impossible for me not to notice the

Hope he fully recovers.

When I’ve seen recent footage of fatalities from recent Mortal Kombat games, it makes me sick to my stomach.

Clearly, I didn’t express myself correctly, because that was not an implication I meant to make. I apologize. I hope they make a great movie together.


Clearly, I didn’t express myself correctly, because that was not an implication I meant to make.  I apologize.   I hope they make a great movie together.

I’ll be happy if he does.   That sounds cool.

Oh sure, but I meant more the detachment of his filmmaking, not that his characters are ironic and detached and aren’t human or emotional. I meant that even while his characters are expressing strong, complicated, resonant emotions, Anderson frames them in his little picture boxes. This can make their humanity shine

Yes, I acknowledged that I’m happy to be wrong.   And I didn’t say they aren’t.

I didn’t say that, did I.

This seems like wildly bad casting. One of Tom Hanks’ biggest strengths is his irrepressible humanity that reaches out of the screen even in his most reserved roles. I don’t really see how that can be well-used in the composed framing and ironic detachment of a Wes Anderson movie.

It can’t be worse that what’s happened to them in the last few years.

This was a fun journey:

I feel like the biggest problem with Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol 2 is it’s essentially The Peter’s Daddy Issues Show. The reason the first movie works so well is because everyone on the team is a fully developed character with their own arc (except for Groot, but him and Rocket are a package for the most part). Peter