

The second-to-last episode of the show encapsulates everything good and bad about the last few seasons. The scenes where Andy is trying out for a singing reality show are absolute garbage and unfunny.   But the rest of the episode is one of the best they ever did, with Jim helping Dwight find an Assistant to the

Since you mention David Farrier, this is a good place to link to his research into another New Zealand director, Anna Wilding.

I kind of liked it. I think it helps by comparing it to Mission to Mars, which I saw first, and sucks.

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It’s okay to be wrong sometimes, no one is judging you for that.

The correct pronunciation of “Worcester” is “Wuhstah.

Not enough Sam Rockwell.

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It’s impossible to take method actors who stay in character off-camera seriously once you learn that as soon as ‘cut’ was called on The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger instantly went back to himself:

I will never not hear “Addis Ababa” in his voice.

I don’t know why, but I trust this commenter’s judgement on this issue.

Fucking thank you, this covers it. I knew I was right to put my faith in Blast HardCheese.

“I like Migos. Melodic, flavor real, punchy punchlines . . . I like Migos, Migos dope, man. I seen, you know, from where they start to where they going, and the elevation and the levels. That’s one thing about, like, younger artists with me, is I don’t judge from, you know, the first time I hear them. I like to see

Every institution in this misbegotten country is founded on deep, deep racism. The 3/5 compromise in the Constitution, the way slave hunters evolved into modern police forces - the list goes on forever. Hundreds of modern ceremonies and institutions across the nation, north and south, were founded on ‘whites showing

For the record, Lady Killer is a great comic book.

I’ve said this before, but I’ve seen multiple testimonials online that Snyder treats everyone on set with respect and positivity, down to the lowest crew member.

“If you want, I can turn him into furniture.”  Its wild how memorable he is.