Or someone who gropes women.
Or someone who gropes women.
No, but Affleck gropes them.
Being nice to actors is certainly super important, especially compared to how Whedon (and many other filmmakers) treat them (Snyder is reportedly really nice to even the least important crew members). But I do wonder if one reason all the actors love Snyder because he makes them all look like Gods, and they have huge…
It gets worse:
I love that song so much. Have you heard “I’m British” by the same guy? He blasts Piers at the end, it’s great.
He’s coasting off that one episode of Doctor Who he was good in.
Kate Flannery is so great. I think part of why The Office is still so popular is that the massive supporting cast is so good, that even if you don’t care about the main cast members or their problems that much, there’s always a few good Creed or Oscar or Meredith bits in each episode to make it work.
Yeah, they’d rather debate making a movie that includes a cartoon harasser getting his comeuppance than address all the executives and other industry professionals who protected/protect people like Weinstein for decades.
Ooh, you win.
Invert X and Y.
Ooh, let’s have some weird reason for them to travel back in time to the exact year the movie was made! That way, we can save on sets and costumes.
heir first album in 16 years