I have opinions about this, but honestly, at this point I just can’t. Just can’t with this whole fucking thing anymore.
Aside from box ticking that doesn’t add anything to black representation or actual black stories. Or it IS part of the story, and you’re whitewashing the very real prejudice of the period by allowing a black Mr D’Arcy to get the girl.
You don’t think there’s any other cultures that have existed that had/have “very specific rigid social norms and hierarchy”? I’m pretty sure that would be just about every culture ever. Do Clueless and Bride & Prejudice not count? You don’t think black filmmakers can tell stories about the black experience using…
I’ll jump in and read something like Squirrel Girl (which was delightful), but every time I read anything about X-books from the last 20 years I’m like holy crap no thank you. They were what got me into comics as a kid, but now just. Eesh.
Came here to say this. Maybe my favorite Superman line in any story.
Why can’t we build up a Superman who’s black for a century? Why is that not a valid Black character? Would you argue against a black Romeo & Juliet? Or a black Hamlet? Or a black Pride & Prejudice? I don’t think you would.
On Congo: “Can we all agree that this guy is fucking his monkey?”
Ta-Nehisi Coates is writing a Superman feature film for Warner Bros. and DC,
They’ve had lots of alternate versions of Superman, I don’t see why race would matter more than any other biographical element that has been played with over the years. They could use a black character who’s like Superman, but using “Superman” carries a cultural weight that another character wouldn’t.
So cool.
I used to watch MST3K VHS tapes over and over, and if you don’t feel like grabbing the remote, you sit through the commercials. The episodes I had were from summer 1993, and the movie My Boyfriend’s Back was released that year, so the commercial for that movie was on the tapes a lot. The movie is a wacky comedy about…
Given the talent that is totally wasted on the Police Academy movies (Kim Cattrall! Bubba Smith! Michael Winslow! Marion Ramsey! G.W. Bailey! Tim Kazurinsky! Bobcat fucking Goldthwait!), that actually does makes a pretty good recommendation.