
As a pre-teen in the late 80's watching movie trailers before the films on VHS, Whoopi Goldberg was just as present an action star as Eddie Murphy, Bruce Willis, etc.  Previews for Jumpin’ Jack Flash, Burglar, and Fatal Beauty all showed a funny, dynamic presence that was my first introduction to the actor. I’ve still


Behold: a complete plot summary of Man of Steel, Batman V. Superman, and this.

It might be too much - would a Naomi and a Wonder Girl shows take up too much of the same real estate, Arrowverse-wise?  Keeping Naomi keeps Bendis happy, and you don’t want a show where every time Wonder Woman’s not in a scene, everyone’s asking ‘where is Wonder Woman?’.

Yep.   I’ve been hedging about Ray Fisher this whole time, and I was clearly wrong and I’ll admit it.

another one of those post-apocalyptic Darkseid dream sequences

And yet, still not the worst tattoo he got:

I assume you’re aware of the Batman Who Laughs? For anyone who isn’t, it’s half-Joker, half-Judge Death-I-mean-Batman, and brings the Joker-level over-saturation to new heights.

I don’t even know what to do with that.

He really wanted to do a version like Joaquin Phoenix’s the first time, and this probably gave him the chance.  I’d like to put all the blame at David Ayer’s feet, but he wasn’t the one mailing used condoms to other cast members.   Maybe Leto was trying to get fired because he was pissed at how the Joker was turning

Now playing

RIP to one of the greatest ever in anything.

I watched that film as a young ‘un taking in Tom Hanks movies, and its crazy how charismatic he was in such a silly film.

I’ve always loved that reference, because of the idea of Shakespeare being a Klingon who somehow ended up on Earth, and started translating his poems and plays to English.   The prominent forehead is a giveaway.

Ooh bad news there