
His Mom is the one who died, Senior.

A Death Metal primer is a great idea. Let's not stick to Florida. It's more diverse than people think.

Or mention Fenriz, who keeps pushing obscure thrash band that made half of a great album during the 80s.Come on. If this is the primer, nobody needs one. This is easy.

Playin this way too safe. Mention European bands that influenced this crap like Venom and Merciful Fate or Diamond Head in the intro at least. 

How come AV Club can't get somebody who's an Americana/Alt Country specialist to handle this kinda thing. I'm not particularly complaining about the mostly pretty well written review, but I am complaining that the reviewer doesn't seem particularly up to speed on this stuff. (Mumford and Sons? Come on. That's got

How come AV Club can't get somebody who's an Americana/Alt Country specialist to handle this kinda thing. I'm not particularly complaining about the mostly pretty well written review, but I am complaining that the reviewer doesn't seem particularly up to speed on this stuff. (Mumford and Sons? Come on. That's got