Jamie Leece

I've seen plenty of terrible movies, but The Mummy Returns was the only one that made me fall asleep in the theater.

It was a photo album in the book.

They could get Chuck Tingle to write and direct.

You learn one pretty major thing about Zona from that UFO looking helicopter. USAF Zone A was written on the bottom. They don't spell it out, but that must mean Zona is short for US Air Force Zone A

I kind of guessed it was a remake in name only. It really would have to be completely different show. I couldn't really imagine what she would even do after season 2.

I never watched the US remake, but her character is gone after season 2 in the original. The show then continued on for another 9 seasons. That probably doesn't bode well for her from a negotiating standpoint.

Yeah, her voice kind of drove me crazy at first too. I actually thought she was a small child until I saw her on camera.

Nothing about this show is subtle. Everything about Westworld just screams "This is morally wrong". Like that scene of the guys hosing down a pile of bloody corpses. Can't get more obvious than that.

Someone's just asking to end up mad as a hatter. Maybe that's why
sticking his hand in the bucket seemed like a good idea. This isn't his
first time.

Maybe Alex Jones will introduce him to Dave Mustaine and we'll end up with a Pumpkins/Megadeth album. :)

I'm sure the WWE put such a huge focus on enormous bodybuilder types for so long because that's where Vince's interests lie. It's all about the greasy musclemen for him, the wrestling is just incidental. Look at that terrible bodybuilding federation he tried launching back in the early 90's. He tried to remove

They're about four months too late for that one unfortunately.

Yeah, I think so. According to wikipedia there was 32 years between the buffalo soldiers and rough riders. If you were a buffalo solder at 18 you could have still been a rough rider at 50. Seth Bullock was 49 during the spanish-american war and he was a rough rider.

I was thinking about the Mark Wahlburg connection the other day. I once read a quote by Bill Murray where he said that anyone who gets really famous has a year or two where they get to be a total asshole. After that year or two they smarten up and go back to being a regular person, or else it sticks and they're an