Jamie Flower

Scorpio was reaching for his gun, which was right in front of him on the pier. If Harry had fired 6 shots instead of only 5 he would have been screwed.

" but rather are compulsively fixated upon delusional, demented beliefs and worthless Ideologies."

" Right Wing ideology "
Right Wing ideology? Someone should have told Soviet Russia and Mao that torture was right-wing.

Yeah a guy who hunts down a serial killer in the act of kidnapping a bus full of children should high five cops who gun down bathing beauties and plant mail bombs.

Two episodes latter BOB lets Leland off the hook for responsibility for everything except killing Jacques, but the movie Fire Walk With Me shows him as complicit.

"by a caretaker an unconvincing Southern accent"
Unconvincing is an understatement. It came across like a bad imitation of Tim Curry's bad attempt at a New Orleans accent in the Gabriel Knight series. Two layers of badness.

Why the heck did they end up parking so far away? They go from parking on the side of the road near the book depository building to so far away that they can't walk there in four hours.

Golden Years and Storm of the Century are not adaptations. They were originally written for TV. Golden Years is not even considered good.

50,000 Yen is only roughly 500 dollars, at least today in our reality. Why are they acting like it is a lot of money?

As opposed to what, metaphorically not watching the show? How would that work?

I knew what was coming, but I still sobbed for about ten minutes. Damn, I didn't think it would it me that hard. On a lighter note this episode seemed to completely for forget that Webster spoke German.

What does "on Yahoo" mean? Yahoo has streaming content? People go to their site?