
I feel confident that credit is NOT due SOLELY to Dan Harmon. Keep in mind how bland and almost lame the first episodes were - and we still love them. This show has changed SO much since it started that I don't see how it could possibly be that big of a difference as long as the cast stays awesome, and they at least

I don't know why, but I love that Pierce always says, "Look at me now dad" and I constantly get the gay guys from the Gay Bash chanting "Look at me now dad! Look at me now dad!" stuck in my head. (and I really liked Pierce's thing about using Gay as a derogatory comment, I love the follow-thru aspect of it from his "I

I don't know why, but I love that Pierce always says, "Look at me now dad" and I constantly get the gay guys from the Gay Bash chanting "Look at me now dad! Look at me now dad!" stuck in my head. (and I really liked Pierce's thing about using Gay as a derogatory comment, I love the follow-thru aspect of it from his "I

I almost always agree with the A.V. Club Mad Men reviews - I've read them all - but this one feels like I watched an entirely different episode than Todd. At least an entirely different episode, though I'm not gonna rehash it. (and P.S. Sally never met Anna, the blonde lady she met was Stephanie, the niece)

I'd never even consider what I'm about to say if this were any other TV show, but could these mistakes be intentional? Like symbolizing where the character stands in the world?

Agree to disagree?

Yeah, I saw it as a ridiculous parody of Mad Men, especially with the earlier Don Draper joke. The "pitches" thing, mixed with the unnecessary drink and a Megan playing servant/secretary/drink-maker.

It may be my intensive watching of Mad Men this past week, but I thought Chang at the end was meant to be Don Draper, what with the pitches, and the Martini/random drink. And Megan is Don Draper's secretary-cum-wife.

"Excuuuuuuuse me!" - the phrase being used as a challenge was from way before the 90s, atleast as far back as Steve Martin's first stand-up album "Let's Get Small" from 1977. But yes, still too late for season 4's 1965.

Oh yeah, no, sorry, it wasn't the Beatles version, but from a copyright perspective, is there a difference?

I didn't know it was a thing any more to use Beatles songs? Is it that it was actually the Beatles and not a cover? Because they used "Listen, Do You Want To Know a Secret?" at the end of Season 4 episode 10 - Hands and Knees… Interestingly, that was the bit where Don first properly noticed and really looked at Megan.