Jamie Boardman

"King Willie will see you now" is my go-to chat-up line.

Have eaten in Sweden (minus jam). In the moment, a world-beating taste. Also upvote for u/c synergy

In fairness to a-Pope-ago he inspired possibly the best lyric of modern times:
It's been a while / Since you said Heil / You C.I.A.-bred necrophile


Yep, though he works under the nom de plume M. R. Carey for the book. If you're a LUCIFER fan you might also want to check out Carey's Felix Castor novel series (written as Mike Carey).

He's Nathan Barley with a GCSE in politics. Well fucking futile, yeah?

I'm a fan of the fairly-recently-coined So-Called Ruler Of The United States, if only because SCROTUS sounds like one of the ideas they chucked out before they found MODOK

Steve Bannon looks like they tried to grow a new Hitler having found Hitler's missing testicle

Magikarp used Twitter!

Why is Hannity's twitter background thing a pic of him preparing to throw a pokeball? Courting the anime avatar crowd?

That's the only place they might not get infested with giant-ass spiders, wetas, box jellyfish, sumatran rat monkeys, etc.


I thought it was a bit sinister. *Fetches coat*

I believe he may have paid good money to watch some Russian ladies use Cloud's ultimate limit break all over a bed.

The gameplay is also self-referential in FFVIII, in that you spend about 90% of it straight-up sucking.

Happily there's Metro (produced by the Mail group) for all your Mail-lite reading needs in the morning, and the Evening Standard (also produced by the Mail group) for your Mail-lite reading needs in the evening. A glorious diversity of opinion running the full gamut from centre-right to right of centre.

According to the endless goddamn Thomas books I'm required to read to my three-year-old, the Fat Controller — who is drawn as he's always been — is now "Sir Topham Hatt".

