Jamie Boardman

God what a rip off

Jukes wrote a very good account of the phone-hacking trials, which is available in book form (and which led, IIRC, to him meeting Alastair Morgan and learning about Daniel's case).

"You always were an asshole, Brandon" - Leaf

And furthermore a martial arts pic with one of history's greatest taglines: "You haven't lived until you've met Dirty Ho… and then you're dead!"

At this point I'm sorta holding out for Ramsayburgers

I think you're thinking of the other guy

I'd say the massive paedophile lead singer of erstwhile Mensch-managed LostProphets is a better fit for the Devil, but it seems Mensch is more concerned about lost profits

Helen Love's (entire catalogue) but specifically both DOES YOUR HEART GO BOOOOM ("Been under medication / and heavy sedation / Since Kula Shaker came along / Cuz he couldn't believe that anyone in the world / Liked their songs) and pretty much all the lyrics from GOD BLESS THE UK MUSIC SCENE (especially the

100 Bullets was optioned ages ago but is, I think, presently in development hell.

Louis and Angel are maybe my favourite example of the "mad/dangerous friend" archetype in crime fiction ('course, there's also the Fulci bros, but they're more very very large and violent comic relief)

The word "cuckold" itself first appears in 1250 in Old English (thx Wiktionary), but I expect the uptick in recent usage is 4chan related; their userbase appears to be on a word-a-year dictionary (cf the constant usage of patrician / plebeian as of a couple years ago). Kind of wish the tradition of doing horns

This might be related to Sparks writing the same novel every year. I mean Nicholas Sparks of course, not the actually interesting band who wrote This Town Ain't Big Enough for the Both of Us

why is eli roth

If we're playing the fantasy-character-addition game, I'm hoping that at some stage we're (a) going to see Vandal Savage's *actual* nemesis - the Resurrection Man - and that (b) they'll repurpose the (heh) immortal scene from HITMAN where he is casually and repeatedly killed until he comes back to life with a useful

Double whammy: oddly fascistic Mobile Armoured Strike Kommand and twice-redundant Vicious Evil Network of Mayhem

I thought that was a joke about the internet.

I kind of hope that your teacher is giving your class some of the stuff Watchmen is a response to / parody of / etc because it is kind of pointless to read it in a vacuum.

These days the *publishers* don't even have that much control (at least, over major bestsellers that'll get carried in supermarkets - doesn't really apply to fantasy & SF, obviously.) If Big Box retailer X says they don't like the cover - and its a dealbreaker - then its going back to the poor bastards in Design.

Not that the series belongs in Charlie's list, but there are few contrasts as mind-shatteringly jarring as those between the illustrated (if that's the right word) US covers for Wheel of Time and the rather pleasantly understated UK ones.

Might be worth taking another look at A Land Fit for Heroes if you're a big fan of the Kovacs books, especially the second and third in the series.