
She originally tried to get Jimmy Ray, but every time she attempted to confirm his identity, he’d just go “Who wants to know!?”. 

See HBO, you can end a story properly. :D

Really, a C is the only grade a movie called Midway could possibly get.

By night he’s secretly the superhero known as Hamsterdamman.

I thought the recent ‘Best of’, Lovely Creatures was really good and gives an overview right up to Skeleton Tree. I know ‘Best of’ collections get flack, but when a band or artist has a massive discography, they can really help you find which era is for you.

Just like Blur’s Greatest Hits, I think it’s a fantastic compilation that has just as strong of a personality and flow as any of their records.  I remember the liner notes on this one being good, too.

I’m a long time Nick Cave fan (since the early - mid 90s) and have listened to pretty much all of his records, and I’d totally back this. That best of is genuinely an excellent cherry pick of the first 20 years of his career. I would listen to that, then go to the corresponding albums of the songs from the best of

Like a lot of music, I think it depends on how old you were and what you were doing when you found him. For me, that was 1992, freshman year of college, and “Henry’s Dream,” which remains one of my favorite records of all time and a really great example of what he does so well - astounding composition and lyrics that

Who isn’t anti-goose? They are all assholes. #YesAllGeese

So did her mother.

you hoopleheaded whorelicker, there was more shitwiping diversity of expression on the toilet paper these sisterfucking writers flushed after a day’s work than your mindless use of “motherfucker”, as imaginative as a cocksucking mongoloid hungry for carrots.

Why does the AV Club always insist on picking the lowest hanging fruit possible?

so that the show could use its budget in less episodes

Can I say something being the second oldest dude here? Game of Thrones premiered April 17, 2011. A sane man occupied the White House, the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell signed, Saddam Hussein dead, Occupy Wall Street, The HARRY POTTER movies ended, and Gabriel Giffords survived a senseless attack. The excitement

I’m still holding out for an after-credits scene next week where we cut to an exiled Jaime and Cersei on the terrace of a merchant’s house in Braavos, and Jaime is negotiating to sell her in marriage to a Dothraki horselord. Then he turns to the camera, waggles his eyebrows and says: “Here we go again!

Don Knotts jumped into the ocean, turned into a fish and won WW2, but it’s too hard for Jon Snow to get a few feet closer to his cartoon dog?

My girlfriend and I snuck in a bottle of something awful like butterscotch schnapps to the new Robin Williams comedy we knew nothing about but were sure would be hilarious, and had drunk a fair amount of it by the time the previews ended.

God what a horrible episode. For me, it ruins the entire series and makes me question whether I should even finish it (I know I fucking will). What a fucking shame, one of the best TV shows ever made has become...this. I’m too fucking tired and pissed off to really give a full breakdown, but just off the top of my

I kind of wish he had a super heavy Minnesotan accent, and I also kind of wish when he killed Theon he would have looked right at the camera and had asked: “Cold enough for ya?”.

You heard the man, GOGGLE IT!