falling on keys

This episode reminds me a lot of the short lived MTV cartoon ‘The Maxx’. The Sam Kieth comic. It also was spot on.

If Cthulu doesn’t win, I’m calling it rigged.

“BTW, the internet sluths are concluding the driver of the car was an anti-trump leftist who just aimed for the white people.”

And then he dabbed?

Well it seems to be fucking up the point of the original statue. The bull isn’t a hooray Wall St power symbol, it was meant to criticize the insanity of greed driving the market to collapse. It is a big fuck your false idol installation, but now everyone is like yeah girl SHOW THAT BULL which makes the girl the

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Mykki is a treasure. For every indie hip hop lover who wouldn’t already know him, this is him:

Well, the next time I fly and get stuck beside an old woman with pointy elbows (it’s a thing that almost always happens to me), I’m gonna call the cops, I guess. Because there is no human decency anymore and I’ve always wanted to be an asshole unfettered by politeness and decorum.

Right after the election, I couldn’t shake that feeling everywhere I went. I kept eyeing people suspiciously, wondering, “Was it you? Were you one of the people who voted for them?” It was an awful, paranoid feeling. It went away after a few days, but it’s come back on full force this week.

Yup. In the same way you have a higher risk of rat infestations when your neighbours are filthy hoarders, it’s hard to keep your house in order when dysfunction reigns next door.

Hard not to include Skyrim in this list. It’s 5 years old now and pretty much any i3 or better cpu with integrated graphics will run it on decent settings.

I know they are dated, but my son has an insanely old laptop (really a total piece of crap) and he just started playing Oblivion and Fallout: New Vegas on it (both games are new to him) and he is in hog heaven. They both run silky smooth on it.

I’ve tried everything to get them to pledge to stop funding these publications. I’ve emailed them. I’ve commented repeatedly. No one will respond. Really saddened, given their call to action following the election.

Really disappointed Jezebel continues to link back to the daily mail. Please look at the Stop funding hate campaign and consider using less unethical sources. They are completely against the pro-diversity, immigrant friendly approach you are praising the Hamilton cast for.

The Kangaroo will spot you the ten bucks and then make a move at your woman. Then he’ll let you take your best shot. You will not take that shot. You will walk away, because sometimes you have to walk away while you still have the chance. Then you’ll hear “Smart move, Craig.” You’ll mutter that “It’s Greg,” and he’ll