falling on keys

i also watched it twice, torrent of course, coz fuck giving that guy any money for making people go to movie theatres during a pandemic, (i aint risking my life or anyone else’s to see a godamn movie). and like all his movies its a well executed film with amazing performance’s great costume and sets, and man i know

hey, uk resident here, why the hell are you advertising a movie where some rich white dude is insisting people risk there health to go and see his “vision”. The uk is the hardiest hit country in Europe thanks to our incompetent Conservative government, towns and cities are beginning to lock back down again all over

i kinda know how Andrea feels, here in the uk, im on benifits, and my payments over this pandemic have gone up from 300 to 400 a month. And for the first time in 9 months im not living in my overdraft. This will end in 8 weeks they say, so im going to have to get used to not eating fruit or fresh veg again it seems.

Dunn family meets dumb president

came here to see if anyone had posted this already, shes amazing

my mum was away for the night, i was 17, I took all the pictures off the walls and taped up the door to her room, my friend had just made an “investment” of 1000 microdots, 40 0dd 17yr old grunge kids trippin there asses off in my house, I kicked everyone out at 7am, mum was home at 10am, tidied I hoovered, I burnt

about time

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I almost want him to visit, we don’t suffer fools gladly over here, it will be like when that Moron David Blaine came over here to hover in a glass box for a few days, it will be like that x1000000

this is a garage joint, (UKG), he comes from a different subculture of UK beats and rhymes, predominantly from the rave scene where the flows are lil different and doesn’t really get classed with hiphop or rap music. back when this came out in like the early 2000s this was on point.

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captain dissolution did a video about this a kinda thing a few years ago