James Wrobel

I assume they are going to drop the Peanutbutter Gubernatorial campaign plot. The idea of a dimbulb, tousle-haired, reality TV celeb running for public office seems less amusing in 2017

"Helloo boys & girls, this is your old pal Stinky Wizzleteats"

Pyramids apparently

For extra authenticity it should be a side scrolling platformer


The Chizzle, surely?

Carter & Howard Stark should be M & Q surrogates on a seventies-eighties set, young Nick Fury, Bondesque spy caper.
Job done.

Yep. The Goodies were just about the funniest things on the planet when I was six. Can't see much of there material surviving a rewatch.

All due respect to Karl Urban, but Bruce would be an awesome Dredd

Personally, I'm still fancasting him as the Joker. Leto be damned

Hey, am I too late to jump in with a Gnu 2 pun?

No mention of Stan the Mans first ever cameo, playing The Major in Fawlty Towers

Ed Balls

He is the only alternative to Karl Urban if Dredd 2 ever happens.
(spoiler: it wont)