
Kirsten Dunst of Fargo would be my pick; the dynamism she gave to that role really surprised me. Mike Milligan was a fun character, but aside from one scene in the finale, Woodbine didn't have too many opportunities to give the character dramatic depth.

I'm disappointed Yvonne isn't a consideration. This could be a disaster, which would be especially disappointing since Live Another Day was so good. I would be on board with Yvonne, but this idea is too risky.

I agree with a lot of this list, but am pretty surprised that the latest outing of 24 isn't even mentioned, despite it getting better critical acclaim all-season long (especially from AV Club) than most of the shows on here. Ah, whatever.

I'm disappointed that 24: Live Another Day seems to have been all but forgotten (unless it cracks the top ten, which I highly, highly doubt), despite coming back with one of its strongest seasons ever. That, and the critical acclaim — including from AV Club — was near-unanimous, with not many episodes dipping below an

Good point.

Yeah, but The Bridge is actually a good show.

It was going to be The Americans hands-down, but I was absolutely floored with the quality of 24: Live Another Day as well. After the atrocious previous season, I did not expect 24 to return with one of its strongest, most tightly-plotted seasons to date. All considered, I do still think The Americans was the roundly

Yeah, this was a pretty eh split-screen. Not bad, but was expecting something pretty epic — the editors normally go all out toward the end of the season. The best split-screen, by far, is Season 5, episode 18.

Not a great video — can't even see the pitch!

This was one of my favorite episodes of 24 in a long while. Classic stuff, but I feel that a lot of this episode might have been lost on those new to the franchise (I'm talking, specifically, about the scenes between Jack and Heller and Jack and Audrey, which were both done about as well as I could have hoped — still,

I wouldn't mind seeing an early season of 24 covered, especially in light of Live Another Day.

No, he didn't.

By the way, that was Eric Trump, not Don Jr.

By the way, that was Eric Trump, not Don Jr.

Did anyone else think Aubrey asking Arsenio to look up the definition of 'success' was yet another dig by her at his career? I thought it was a pretty good one…