
How about a Dodge Dart Sport?

Reasons I’ve given up on cars in the last few years:

My own gauge as to when it’s time to move on from a car is when I feel...annoyed...by having to pay for basic maintenance. That means I’ve fallen out of love with it. When I first got my Miata, I actually loved taking it in for service, talking with the service writers and mechanics about the car, looking at the

This is the best purple car.

Dunkin near me had a pay it forward line recently. Pulled up for a large coffee. $4. Pull up and the cashier says “that’ll be $28. We’re doing pay it forward today” I just look at her and ask what my order was, she says large coffee. I ask “would you pay $28 for that?” She thinks for a second, says nope, that’ll be

Tipping wait staff generously should be universal

Aero is a consideration, but it isn’t the only consideration.

For fuxsake, Pay it forward” at place where moderately affluent people order overpriced coffee from the comfort of their large SUV sounds comically pretentious and tone deaf, even during a time where virtue signalling for sport is common place.

... and if you’re in a line of 36 pay-it-forwards, nobody except the last guy is getting anything for free. You’re just paying for a different order than your own. That’s not charity. But then I don’t understand the whole Starbucks culture. Sure, I’ll drink their mocha once in awhile, but no over-roasted, overpriced an

Gee, imagine if they could just do the taxes and send us a return to approve or correct.

I means that so-called professional writers don’t know the difference between a tax return and a tax refund.

Awesome! Now instead of just unfolding a tent on the ground and blowing up an air mattress I just need to build a barn. Too easy.

Seconded, minus the Bluetooth. Give me a cable, please. And a phone with an auxiliary outlet.

lol, no he wont

Stuff like this is why you really want ota updates in your car.

what I want in my car is a dumb display and a bluetooth speaker system.

I’ll bring my own computation thank you very much.

As always and forever: ACAB

It’s ok though, ice floats ;)

Based on the number of people leading with “this thing is great at what it does, but it’s just so old” I fear for a number of posters’ grandparents.

“Yeah, what kind of tool wants to spend less time & money getting a fully charged battery than filling up a gas tank?”