Dr. Scroopy Noopers

You are right, though the daily show writers may influence his brain more than we expect. They will remake him. Or not.

An autism joke! If I needed confirmation of your folksy, dim intellect, I have it now.

Oh Brad. Your basic grasp of the world would be so entertaining if it was not so predictable and unoriginal.

Unlike the phony outrage group thinkers who upvote any cry of racism no matter if its true or not.

By the the phony outrage junkies who cry racism? You are a dumb fuck aren't you?

Fill in this blank "dschubba chooses to lie, and then run as fast as possible away from that heinous lie, because____________"
You continue to cower away from your own lies. This about you crying racist.

I didn't know petition were laws enforced by government. "Not allowed" HA

For the second time, Ive already answered them.

Hopefully "In a World" is not the last movie written and staring Lake Bell. It was pretty good.

You - unfounded claims of racism.

So you can't read all of a sudden? I just answered you, and with 2 far more meaningful and important questions that you have NOT answered, nor can you.

If I lived near a giant festival, I would rather see the artists I would rather see, rather than the artists who I rather don't want to see. This seems sensible. The outrage over the petition does not.

Brad makes only slightly less sense than most of the pathetically dishonest and phony outrage junkies in this thread.

I'd be for the GG petition. And I also don't mind one against an artist whose artistic output no longer gives me even the smallest amount of enjoyment. Kanye is in that category. I still like his second album. His peak I think, and a 7 / 10. Most of the rest of his albums are a 3 - 5 / 10 for me.

How is not liking someone for their personality and music racist? That is actually the opposite of racism. Many people who do not like Kanye happen to like plenty of other black artists.

Gaff was making the very astute point that the racism outrage is bull shit, I've got bad news for you, people mostly hate Kanyes for his music and his train wreck of a personality.

And what about the black artists who are not being petitioned against by the same people. Your outcries of racism are ridiculous.

I think he is both a douche and not talented.

Every person who signed the petition is racist. Kanye's music is brilliant.