Dr. Scroopy Noopers

Are petitions some massive time suck? No. So who cares if there IS a petition?

LOL. Kanye's music is very mediocre and irritating IMO. CunninLynguists , Billy Woods, Aesop Rock are 100 times more talented.

CunninLynguists , Billy Woods, Aesop Rock are just a few examples of actual talent. If you tire of the mediocre, talent poor, mentally ill, flaccid and listless Kanye, check out some real talent.

Have you listened to a Kanye Interview? He's an insane person. He awkwardly lurches between extreme megalomania, little boy tantrums, incoherent ramblings and…. oh yeah, incoherent ramblings.

This is about the only comment in this thread that makes sense and is not full of bullshit.

I only like his 2nd album. His music and personality are grating now. I'll always have his second album though.

I don't think it was anyone by that name…

And the lady from Homeland catches so much shit for her face. I'm so confused.

He looks great for a 51 year old late stage alcoholic. You must not know many of those.

No. Drugs are great. I've had a great time with drugs. The message is don't only do drugs. Have a life as well if you can. But don't disparage drugs like they are not awesome a lot of the time.

Frank are us. Us are Frank.

All Hail Frank, for there go we ALL!!!

It was only the setup I had a problem with. You are right the payoff was great.

Frank rules. Season 1 - 3 are the best and JJS is a good character. That's how I feel about it.

I find that bewildering tbqh.

If they Kill Frank, I will be even more upset than when they killed Ned in GOT. How dare you?

You may have changed my mind for what I thought would be interesting for Lip.

"one-dimensional dumb joke and cliche machine" = 90% of the people I worked with at a sawmill…

I hope that actually DOES happen. It could be a great opportunity for the writers to tell an impactful story. Or maybe him succeeding would be the better story. I don't know.

One week after I praise every Frank appearance, the writers serve up a massive contrivance. Oh well, Frank story lines are still batting .900