Dr. Scroopy Noopers

Alcohol in bottles…

In Canada, our prime minister thinks terrorism is just as big a threat as climate change. Tell that to the hundreds of millions of people in coastal areas around the world who, in a couple decades, will be climate change refugees.

Thats the devils milieu silly!

The bible is the perfect, unerring word of god himself, That's why it's all lovin' and nary a contradiction can be found.

He was a completist.

Not really virgins, are they? Hysterical cabal? Yes.

Creationists and climate change deniers are several orders of magnitude more dangerous than anti-vaxxers.

I'm not anti-vax, and I believe that an impartial approach to every vaccine is prudent.

That's why I like it

I like Lip more when he's with a girl ( Amanda ) that he's not crazy about ( season 1 blonde )

I couldn't wait for the camera to get off that boring Fionna marriage plot device and onto the entertaining stuff.

Some good points. The writers should hire you as occasional consultant to point out plot holes ( this might seem sarcastic, I assure it is not!! )

You're watching the wrong show if you want to avoid gold like that.

Every Frank Storyline is the best Frank Storyline. Most entertaining character on TV, in my opinion.

you are contributing to rape culture ;)

I'd like to think I don't but how many men really want to date a taller woman, if she would even want to in the first place. Some guys would.

The UK Office towers over the american remake.

It's not even a comedy. More like melodrama.