Dr. Scroopy Noopers

To be fai

Well said. Great points.

Well you were brave if you were vocal in your community about it. Unless you were surrounded by other atheists.

Is the Koran not inherently bad, like the bible? Are the Koran and the bible inherently good? Inherently neutral?

So killing a cartoonist for making fun of Islam or killing muslims when they leave Islam has nothing to do with what is in the Koran? Or a minor factor? It seems to me like a fairly big factor. Not 100% but way more than 0%.

"You can find this for literally any religion. "

How many did support the attack?

How do you decide when violence is ok? It's a question we all must seriously ask ourselves. Self defence? If someone attacked me, laying down right away might not be my best option. I may have to throw a few lazy, underpowered elbows.

…And THIS gets upvoted? At least this is not all utterly confusing…

Genocide is a hell of a drug. I prefer wide distribution of magic mushrooms. That should be the payload for the next airstrike.

If people are being attacked, with intent to kill, they see it as OK to kill the attacker in self defence. How far does this extend? No one really knows, but it is situational I guess.

While you have point, is it not better to wish for them to reach the conclusion that rationality and peace are the ideals to strive for?Former muslims speaking out is a powerful tool.

I want them to see the error of their ways. I won't hold my breath, but a former member of Islam can be a powerful tool for spreading rationality and peace.

Did the lab that grew you give your benefactor a refund?

No you have not. You talked about marriage stats. That's it. Why do you feel the need to be deceptive?

You don't have to be married to someone for them to spend a fortune on you. I can't believe I had to explain that.

Did you mean to say go back to Germany? Or Grenada? I guess "Gor" is in the ballpark, spelling wise, if I'm being generous. Otherwise, I have no idea where Gor is.

In Tommys world, most couples are the same age and to even talk about the "not most" is akin to "professional nerdy sexism" or something equally bat shit insane.

I guess there is no such thing as nuance or complexity. Why would I think there might be? Good thing thing you came along to take all that reality and grey area out the mix. Makes the world a simpler place. Or is it dumber?

So marriage is the only valid form of relationship? Why are you being purposefully deceptive? Does that have something to do with your misplaced and hilarious rage?