Dr. Scroopy Noopers

Fuck Me? That's nice language for a member of a group.

You just made further fun of yourself without realizing it. Your entry level sarcasm wasn't so deep as to get past me, but in the glow of your perceived cleverness you failed to notice my sarcasm.

I don't have "imaginary" bimbos. More internet tough guy dishonesty and slander from you. Not surprising.

You are aware that not everyone in a relationship gets married, right? I guess not. Well, you learned something today.


Most is 51% or more. Also, there are a lot of older men, especially ones with money, that have much younger girlfriends. Not just in the movies, it's a widespread phenomenon, even if not making up the majority.

Why would you stop worrying about a problem that worries you now if that problem has not gone away? That seems silly.

"I'm not sure how saying that men perpetuated the idea of being the provider infers humanity is not involved."

""the whole idea of a man needing to support the woman came from men btw"

I don't get it. And it's doing wonders for my self-esteem.

"The bullet points serve to underline just what's wrong with Crowe's statement- he may be technically correct that there's always a part available for a middle-aged woman, but it's an extremely limited range of options (mom! daffy neighbor!) compared with men of the same age."

That's true. I hope they keep it at this level, and don't go overboard with it.

I don't really believe that Vacation-Terry would listen to Sheryl Crow.

Isn't it already funnier than Parks?

Maria Bamford: "I was hoping you could maybe bring…"

They get more dumbed down every year.

oh, shit…

Even though I agree with you, it's still OK enough

That's a bit beside my point. But sure.

It makes you think about how sophisticated a computer that could feel emotions must be. What would that look like, from a hardware/software perspective? Maybe we will find out in 20 or 30 years.