Dr. Scroopy Noopers

Why you tell me for?

We get it. You're young.

I have more than THAT to "carry me through till the new year" Like addiction, crab cakes, hope and dame Judy Denchezzez cleavage

She has beautiful eyes.

But Judy Davis is always alright.

I've been waiting for a good F. Murray Abraham comedy. As sarcastic as that sounds, it isn't.

Whoah. I will, is it unintentionally funny or otherwise? If otherwise I suppose I'll get around to it before spring.



It seems the humor has been snuffed out

nicer ass

Mitch Mcconnell says uuhhhYUP!


sing it

You were doing perfectly until this jackass fucking ruined it. Not even talking about "the troll" …George are you listening?…

Yes. to your first question. Unless you you are planning a manhunt of course.

You're the repostin' kid!!

Oh hi Dennny

Nice font

"Seems reasonable."
Well yeah