Dr. Scroopy Noopers

Guardians of the Galaxy is not on here because of rape culture /s. Actually the real reason might be that the Villains were very poorly drawn. The movie was high on style and low on substance. 6 / 10

Yeah but the studio model IS fucked, like ol'Lack of name says.

I read that comment with trademark Burial atmospheric record skips and pops playing in my head.

Up to LP5, but the newer stuff isn't terrible, just ok.

Highly overrated EP and artist, all style and atmosphere with no substance. A home run in terms of making mediocrity sound professional.


I'll say that from now on. It's easier to articulate anyway

"Not as good as the first one, but OK"!

Thank you.

Am I the only person who thought season 1 was perfection, and season 2 has been slightly less great? Everyone is more subdued, and the jokes seem like they are going out of their way to not recycle themselves. I watched season 1 for the first time right before season 2 aired and it now it feels like the show is a

Would someone who has only seen half of the first season of Getting on watch and enjoy the episode you are talking about?

Not enough use of medieval sheilds in The Walking Dead. None at all actually. This is a glaring oversight. And people collect those things in large enough numbers that you would be able to track some down. Also, chainmail…

Creed was/is so terrible. Arms wide ohpahn…

Lisa Kudrow states it differently in youtube videos about the creation of the show and creation of the character. At one point she says Valerie is an idiot, among other things.

Maybe it's all the vitamin d3 I'm taking but that was the best episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine yet.

"…the earth will eventually be swallowed by the sun".

That's not a spoiler. No need for the alert.

It's funny because real AI bots will be altruistic.

I guess it's a "tinhat" tendency to think that getting murdered for leaving your religion is more ridiculous than not being killed for leaving your religion.

That is not what is being discussed as you know very well.