Dr. Scroopy Noopers

Except you are lying. Again, because of course you are. You have no other recourse ( or so you think ) The sad part is you are not even aware of this, so thoroughly have you convinced yourself.

Now you are just stealing my lines, How tragic.

Wow you sure are a hateful person, who is terrible at losing ar debate. The behaviour you are currently engaged in in textbook projection. Insults like loser, don't get laid, hates women, asshole, and "no one takes you seriously" barbs are thinly veiled desperate cries for love, help and attention.

More made up facts about a person you don't know. Do you think this is going well for you?

Hey child! If you notice, I didn't deem it important "who started it? " nor did I reference that.

Your cleverness is matched only by your rationality and honesty.

Do you think the sky is green? Do you think it's equally ridiculous to kill someone for leaving your religion as it is to NOT kill them?

I didn't delete any posts. Another sad lie. What's next I'm an armed robber?

Wow you've really shown me the error of my ways with your f bombs and bro speak. What grace! Your evasion and dishonestly continues to be blatant.

Your childish insult say volumes. The battle cry of an utterly defeated petulant toddler.

Anyone who can read can see who the dishonest one was. Your sad responses are there for all to see, we need only look.

Good one. You sound more defeated by the post. How tragic.

Wow. How stupid do think everyone is? What you accused me of and what you posted are two different things. Anyone can that. Did you really think that further dishonesty could help your case?
Anyone who is literate can see what you've sadly attempted.

Citation not needed. A few bad apples is a common expression. We have the commonality of language. You used the expression without citation.

You lie again. I never said that once. How disgusting of you. I said Men choose more dangerous jobs. Fact. But I guess you see nothing wrong with your blatent dishnesty. Clearly.

Your crime is your blatant dishonesty. But it's not against the law I guess. You have that going for you.

No one thinks that, because religions have differences. You don't get killed for being a gay jew or leaving buddhism. So, a clear lie. I'm sorry you are too blind to see that.

You are lying. I never said that once. I said men choose more dangerpous positions than women . Fact. You keep lying though…

You don't get killed for leaving buddhism. But by all means keep lying. Pretend all religions are equally ridiculous. An obvious lie.

That is not persuasive at all really. Some construction jobs are orders of magnitude more difficult than others. Some construction jobs are a cake walk. I'm talking about the hard ones, and the only people that understand are the ones who've had distinctively hard construction jobs.