Dr. Scroopy Noopers

Can you name a particular view she holds that is more enlightened than Maher's?

No. Not what I meant at all. What I want to know is - who do you think should be on the air, that is not right now? Pick a name. Who should fill his shoes since you think he is a bad host.

For the 8 millionth time. Do you understand there are numbers in between few bad apples and all of them? A few bad apples implies less than 5%.

We need to balance out the blatant dishonesty of posts like yours.

You are lying. You don't think all religions are equally stupid. Analyzing the details of each, you would find some are more stupid than others. But you can't be honest about that.

If you don't know by now…

I'm afraid you failed to make your case. O'Day is clearly right.


Any criticism of religion is seen as strident, even mere questioning. Can you name a vocal atheist who IS helping atheists? Please?

And who should be on the air that isn't now? Serious question.

I was just about to comment how strange and funny Zach is. He's perfect in every role I've seen him in.

When was I acting like that? Not once. I just pointed out that people who have desk jobs or tv jobs don't work nearly as hard as people who do certain kinds of manual labour. Just because I tried to disabuse you of the notion that "hard work is hard work, manual labour or not", doesn't mean I think I'm better than you.

Theres work. Like you describe. Then there is hard work. Do some hard manual labour for 3 years straight and you would see how far off you were.

You clearly don't know what hard work is. Being in front of a camera comes nowhere close. You must be joking. I've worked as a brush cleaner and a manual lumber grader. That is hard work.

You know that doesn't make any coherent sense right? Or is that your way of being "funny"?

Oh yeah, I kinda forgot, plus I'm greedy for this genre.

Does anyone know where to watch old episodes of the Soup?

This has to be good. I need a good sci-fi comedy. The Always Sunny guys never came through with their sci-fi comedy that was talked about.

Does anyone know who the yelly, overexcited guy is? He's in the audience every single week.

What is a non-sex dildo used for?