Dr. Scroopy Noopers

Walking on eggshells is such a fun way to live.

I don't think you are in the minority with that opinion. But who knows?

QUOTE - Kisa - "I suppose you're also of the opinion that denying gays the right to marry is not homophobic?"

If the character said "thank god it's not a black women" then that means the character does not find black women to be sexually attractive. Doesn't even mean he's racist necessarily. That might be hard for you to believe. I personally think any skin color can be attractive. So what?

You can say it bothers you, just don't say it's transphobic, or over the line. You diminish the meaning of the word.

First of all, I have empathy for someone like your friend. The suicide rates being so high is terrible!


Everyone should have equal rights to marry etc. I'm not a monster!

this is unfortunate.


People are physically repulsed by other people. People have preferences.

I've read what you wrote and find it laughably phony and ridiculous. That's not "being dense"

That's a possible interpretation. All he said was that he likes a woman who has never had an adams apple. I'm sure he likes many things in life.

Right i'm the silly one. Not the fake outrage crowd. Raj being grossed out by an adams apple is OK. It may make you uncomfortable. That's Ok.

Hello! I NEVER SAID transwomen are dudes.

There is very good and obvious reason why I do that. And I have already explained that.

What! You can call it a "bad joke" all day long! I agree, It was a pretty lame joke! To say it's offensive that he does not like his significant other to have an adams apple is completely different.

WOW! More hypersensitive PC overkill.

I'm not defending the hilarity of the joke. I'm defending the writers right to say it. I'm attacking Political Correctness gone overboard, and hypersensitivity.

QUOTE Kisa "How is a joke that boils down to "Thank God it's not a transwoman" not at the expense of trans women?"