Dr. Scroopy Noopers

Because it's not funny right? ( kinda isn't ) Not because it's offensive? ( totally isn't. )

The joke wasn't at the expense of anyone.

The audience' "OOOoooohhh" 's in the first 3 minutes were hard to get through.
Also, there is nothing wrong with low brow humor. There is only a problem with not funny humor.

It wasn't offensive at all. A little joke between friends based on past experiences.

That's not trans-phobic in any way. Talk about overly sensitive. Raj is attracted to who he is attracted to.. That's just his thing. Not exactly a villainous trait. And the idea that this show even comes close to crossing a line at any given time is crazy.


I think I would enjoy that radio show.

I agree, a couple of days difference between Canada, US, England etc. is OK. Really no more more than 2 or 3 days, like you said.

You might be right, but alternatively, maybe people do see the certain complex details of her character and find them to be conveniently placed, and not keeping with the core of Hannah. I really don't know.

Maybe you are right.

Nice. What is your radio show and where can I hear it? :)

@ on a bed made of money — That just made me laugh my ass off for some reason!

Imagine if Jack Vance was younger and went through that program. They would have wrecked him

I'm begging you AV club. Please please review Beastmilk - Climax(2013)

Have you heard the debut album from Beastmilk? It's called Climax ( 2013 ) and it absolutely floored me. I'm convinced you'll love the shit out of it.

Will you guys please show the album cover art when doing these reviews? No reason at all to leave that out.

It's amazing how these broadcast corporations shoot themselves in the foot with something so simple as scheduling. The show should air on the same date in every country that gets it. They are so desperate for ratings, and so blind to the simple shit that affects it. People should lose their jobs.

It's not like there is really much or any good sci-fi on TV anyway.


Mind expanding!