Dr. Scroopy Noopers

Another original gem from you. That's about as mindless as everything else you've said. What's next, I should move out of my moms basement? And please stop saying Bro. You're a walking fucking cliche.

At least have the balls to stand behind what you say. You're backpedaling. And calling someone pseudo is sloppy english at best. Also, I 'get' the show, and never said otherwise. You pulled that out of your ass. What I said was I laughed 3 times and my expectations are low.

I liked seeing Hannah react with so much tolerance but it seemed a bit out of character and convenient.

Did anyone else find Hannah to be uncharacteristically patient and tolerant with her cousin and her Mom. Where did she find all this restraint?

Maybe polite adults should say it more often?

Now you're just embarrassing yourself. First of all, instead of "implying" something by typing incoherently , how about you master the english language and actually construct a proper sentence. Secondly, like I said before, your accusations of "pseudo-intellectualism" and "self importance" are not only nonsensical,

Episode was good. I flew in to a rage 1.3 seconds in to that closing song.

There are PLENTLY of shows on TV that are trying to kill comedy. Steve Brule can't be on that list.

"pseudo and self-important bullshit"

I consume and study comedy. I don't know how to say it more simply.

I study comedy. But thanks for that marvelous insight.

I've watched every episode of this show and laughed 3 times. My expectations are low.

Can you explain the framing device they used to a novice? ( agree with you on all your points )

Isn't this the level of quality you all expected from this show? Does this show even have the potential to be good with Fallon?

Who is Dick Cavent? Theres that dude Dick Cavett

Even if they really want to get rid of him ( which they probably do ) will they pull the trigger?


The average North Americans ( don't know if you are ) knowlege about health and real food is embarrassing. And it's encouraged.

It's not "holistic" medicine. It's called Science. Read about sometime and learn something.

Wow I agree. I have also not looked forward to something like this since Breaking Bad.