Dr. Scroopy Noopers

Weill I 100% agree with you on Dexter.
Shameless is not Dexter. The writers are simply way better, and the Gallaghers have a lot more material the the FUCKing Morgans!

This season is great in a different way than the other 4 were great. There is less fun shit going on this year. It's all very serious now.

The one thing he might be missing is all the capers and hijinx from earlier seasons. I do to, but this season has been great in a much different way than previous seasons. It's less fun right now but that's not a bad thing. Is it?

I didn't say anything about judging. I talked about him feeling superior to or better than Fiona. Two totally different things. So your comment makes no sense.

Too many toxins is a thing when your body can't expel them fast enough, which is becoming a bigger problem is the modern world. Alcoholism only makes it harder for the body to deal with pollutants and free radicals. When the body experiences a rapid expelling process, it can make you very ill feeling before you get

I think it's high time Liam grew up already. Get a job kid! Cut that damn hair and stop doing your sisters blow!

Crack not as bad for babies as weed? Source please…

That would be more logical.

Enlightened ended where it should have. Possibly.

God I hope so…

I'm pretty sure Lip has no right to feel superior. I bet he's done coke with kids in the house. ( offscreen )

If you don't understand Fionna's fling with Robbie you are not paying attention. It turned her the fuck on. Also, cocaine is a whole lotta fun until the high wears off. ESPECIALLY for occasional users.

You better be fucking very wrong about that! Shameless must go on.

Why did the sweat lodge damage Frank so much? Expelling toxins too quickly? Does anyone know any relevant links to explain the science behind this?

Quote from review…
"I’m relieved when he’s ( Frank ) missing for a few episodes"

You calling me an angry internet troll coward is particularly confusing since judging by your posts, you are in fact the one who fits this description. I am but a mirror for your own childish barbs thrown at people for no reason.

No I wasn't doing that exact'y, doesn'y matter…

The Emerson has spoken. May all the people he spies on in their mothers basement stand up and take notice.

Oh I forgot, I should only be heaping praise on this masterclass of comedy, or not commenting at all.
