Dr. Scroopy Noopers


Grandma music

They had that one song in around 2002. And that other one in 2005. But their saccharine gimmick gets old fast.

Snow Patrol makes my ass burn.

"But fuck that, because Snow Patrol makes exactly the kind of mainstream, radio rock that hits my sweet spot"

Lots of talk in the review about the show often being "hilarious" . I find it never reaches that level of funny. It's just a watchable show that makes me smirk occasionally.

To all the mental defectives downvoting nutrition advice, please realize what complete idiots you are and don't have children.

The downvoters must be morons

Be responsible with your hard drugs. They are powerful and pricey.

That why I said possibly. Maybe the writers will think of something clever involving Robbie…

I thought it was on that kitchen counter top, which would make it 4 feet ( total guess ) off the ground??

You make a good point. Manly type shit is frowned upon.

I thought there might be a small chance the writers would get her out of trouble with the law, somehow involving Robbie.

I realize that, I just thought there might be a way…

Will Robbie come forward and possibly save Fiona's ass?

I wonder if there is any legitimate way for her to pin it on Robbie without them thinking they've just heard the oldest excuse in the book.

When you do coke with a kid in the house, simply do your rips, then put the stash away.

I have zero problem with Sheilas arc this season.

That sounds logical. We all know she would have to have brain trauma before knowingly giving him coke.

Ignore everything you were taught about nutrition and rebuild your knowledge from the ground up.