I don’t see why people can’t have the best of both worlds. Keep your last name and identity, but create a new family name for the context of your marriage and your children
I don’t see why people can’t have the best of both worlds. Keep your last name and identity, but create a new family name for the context of your marriage and your children
Man, I’m kind of bummed about that too. I wonder if they just stopped approving comments? I really feel that it shows that it *is* possible to have two opposing but valid positions on this, and it’s not inherently racist to accept that there is not a lot of diversity in a film like that; and that to whitewash the past…
Completely relevant:
This scene from DS9 sort of sums two very interesting and differing attitudes towards this kind of situation. In this episode, Sisko doesn’t want to participate in a holodeck recreation of 1960s Las Vegas specifically because its diversity and inclusiveness whitewashes (no pun intended) historical racial tensions.…
“When I think of Latinos, I think of people that speak Spanish”
Hispanic = Spanish speaking
Latino = from Latin America, including Brazillians.
Hispanic =/= Latino
Latino = Latin American
Hispanic = Spanish speaking
Latino = Latin American
Are you thinking Hispanic, which means Spanish-speaking?
Um... if she had actually showed up to the wedding the bride and groom would still have to pay for her meal. Billing her makes no sense whatsoever.
To be fair, I track mine, but I’m so irregular that that’s how it goes anyways...
This isn’t brown enough to be menstrual blood, unless they have some crazy way of preserving blood when it dries
How do you know when you’re going to get it if you don’t track it? I would hate living in constant fear of the flood
“abnormal bleeding from the vagina (after sex, between periods...)”
I switched to a safety razor. 5 cent razor blades!
/r/trollxchromosomes and related sister subs. It’s the best thing about reddit. If I were smart I would unsubscribe from everything else
I always figured the salty snacks were to make you thirsty and buy more beer (: but I guess it works both ways!
Because they got sodium from their diets. But when you piss a lot you loose a lot of that sodium AND a lot of that water. You need to replenish your electrolytes, not just water. You don’t have to get it from gatorade, you can have water and a salty snack or just straight up take some salt with your water. But you…
But that’s because you’re drinking alcohol, not because you’ve peed. “Breaking the seal” is the idea that if you pee once during drinking, it will make you have to keep peeing, so if you hold it in as long as possible, you won’t have to go constantly. But that’s not how it works. Drinking booze makes you produce lots…
Not really. The article you linked outright says “So, there’s really no seal to break.” Your desire to pee isn’t caused by an initial trip to the bathroom, it’s just that alcohol is a diuretic and will make you pee a lot, and it takes a little bit for it to kick in.
Stick to gatorade or powerade. Water won’t really hydrate you if you’re not taking in salt, too. There’s a reason you’re supposed to give kids with diarrhea pedialyte.