
Good decision? I don't think so. Despite the controversy surrounding gun control, dropping all gun-related deals is going to cause more people to stop using Groupon, and more backlash than it would to not remove gun-related deals. Good bye Groupon.

Clearly you don't live where it actually snows.

Facebook has had my phone number for a long time already and nothing bad has ever come from it. People make big deals out of stuff like this for no reason.

Maybe I missed it while reading through, but why exactly did she have to stop taking pictures in school?

I didn't realize you were watching Discovery Channel Canada. I guess my only clue to that fact was that you listed Canadian Football first.

My guess is 99% of the time it refers to an American Football field.

These are good, but only a couple would actually fool the majority of my friends. The highlight of my day so far, however, was watching the video a second time without audio and YouTube's experimental closed captioning on.

Take it from a true Michigan driver, 5-7 over is indeed too slow. Unfortunately, not everyone up here agrees, which is where we get our aggression from. Also related, it is very frustrating living in Ann Arbor; being a highly diverse population, there are too many people here who simply cannot drive.

How is this a "Leaked FBI Report"? The document says "UNCLASSIFIED" on every single page...

Roid rage?

Ever had to ssh in to a remote server? ...didn't think so. Without a GUI how else can you edit text?

I suspect you don't read Jalopnik? I feel like its the most decent, followed by Lifehacker.

"Dude Ranch" didn't really become a term until the 1900's. The word dude was being used in New York City as slang for "fastidious man" in the late 1800's. Sorry.

Dude wasn't actually used in the 16/1700's. The data populating that graph is incorrect. This is because when words like exclude or conclude are split between two lines of text, with "clude" being on the second line, the text recognition software mistakes "clude" for "dude".

The problem here is that the data populating this graph is inaccurate. Google misinterprets "clude" as in the ending of exclude or conclude as dude. This error occurs when a word ending in "clude" gets moved to the next line of text, with the previous line ending in ex- or con-.

Were/are the Angus burgers made of pink goop as well?

If the steeple at St. Catherine's dates to 1657, and the steeple at St. Nikolai dates to 1842, doesn't that make the steeple at St. Catherine's older?

True, but I still don't believe its illegal to leave a car running unattended.

If this is true, then why are remote starts legal? I find it hard to believe I'm breaking the law warming up my car in the morning.

As a Software Engineer, I share the same disappointment and disapproval.