James Sora

Critique can be inflammatory. Critique can be insulting. Critique can be crude. I've made my point earlier. She is offended because she is not reflected. What if I am a white taxi cab driver? How come there are never any white taxi cab drivers? Why does it reflect them and not meeee? She is a whiner who looks for

LOL WHAT!? Stupid logic right there. Absolutely moronic. Everything everyone says is subject to critique (whether or not that critique is what you find "crude" or not doesn't frankly matter to me) and I believe your little group deserves the most utmost disrespect. You're a cult making choices on human error. At

Breaking Bad = Overrated
American Horror Story = Third season is laughably terrible
The Big Bang Theory = HA!

I totally agree. I also laughed out loud at the last sentence. These people are becoming a problem. Thank god there are people like the creators of South Park and other comedians who shit all over these guys and their stupid ways of thinking.

It doesn't matter if you found it weak. That's your taste I suppose. If you were lesbian you would be offended by it, if I were lesbian I wouldn't be offended by it. There are many gays and lesbians who APPLAUD this show. Great. So what are you trying to prove? People will be offended by everything. Guess the show

Nothing is off topic when it comes to comedy. Race, rape, sexual orientation, religion, social norms, etc. etc. etc. Any discussion about the "boundaries" of comedy is a flawed discussion. Daniel Tosh did nothing wrong. He's an insult comic. Don't like it? Don't listen to it. Nothing is off limits, because comedy

Being a sociopath is friggin disgusting?!? WHAT!? What if I'm a sociopath! I'm human too, I can't help the way I was born. We need more shows about high functioning sociopaths because I want to be reflected! We need more shows that present libertarian ideals because I want to be reflected! We need more shows about me

It's not interesting to look at straight white males? I don't think it's interesting to look at you… The amount of absolute stupidity in your comment is almost cringe-worthy. You're offended because two people make gay jokes (not at the expense of gays) in a show where there are no gay characters? MYCROFT's actor is

Couldn't disagree more. As an American viewer, I can honestly say I never saw Sherlock as an overwhelming "central" character. The show follows John's story, feelings, emotions, etc. etc. Of course Sherlock will be the more interesting character because his friendship with John Watson is what helps make him so