
A friend of mine with a psych masters thinks she’s got a multiple personality disorder; she compartmentalizes and pivots so fast and is so oppositional on top of all the compulsive lying.

For any media to cover Conway or any known individual who lies repeatedly, and then not ask them why they lie...


I think there are some reports everywhere, in print, on TV, on radio, in conversation, that are not well-researched and are sometimes based on falsehoods,” Conway said.

You guys have this all completely backwards.

I am incredibly nervous that Conway is making an apology circuit right now. This is what Trump’s admin does. Make’s enemies...then acts all nicey nicey and suddenly they’re right back in.

Giving someone like her a national outlet that she can use to spread the lies and disinformation that benefits the right wing extremists that she works for can not be a good idea. Doing that just plays right into their plans. It’s all a strategy on their part. Just look at trump during the campaign. He knew that every

For those of you who have ever wondered what Ann Coulter would look like if she stopped drinking the blood of infants, wonder no more.

People don’t show respect to Trump because he doesn’t respect others. How is that so hard for them to understand?

I like me some Jake Tapper. He’s the perfect journalists for time like these. And if he’s the only one that can hold Conway accountable, he’s the only one at CNN that should ever interview her.

I absolutely do not think she should be on air. She has plenty of airtime on Fox. CNN can report on her talking points without giving her airtime, which I would argue gives her some sort of credibility. Also, this is the same network that gave us Jeffrey (not our) Lord (nor our Savior), Scootie Death Knell Hughes, and