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Also this: We were warned about Ocri people...warned:

Don’t forget that the first Space Shuttle Orbiter was also the Enterprise, although it was only used for testing and never went into space.

I’m just waiting for the crossover of the century: Jumanji I. Joe.

He has something of a track record of being a bright spot in an awful production. Really the only things to recommend The Final Conflict are Neill’s performance and Jerry Goldsmith’s score, though both are outstanding.

Looking forward to the episode of Loki where he gives birth to an eight legged horse!

That...could be really good though. Or what if Jean Grey eventually becomes the Doctor? Or Archie Andrews? Or Amy Santiago?

There was a remake of that series a few years back. I imagian it was in response to “The Walking Dead” being popular but it may be a coincidence. It ran for 2 or three seasons, classic 6ep 1 hour long seasons. It ends on a cliff hanger so they expected more seasons. It was pretty good all in all.

Survivors was my first introduction to the idea of a slow apocalypse - the idea that the remainder of humanity has to struggle on, relearning simple science and agriculture in spite of their inevitable slide to extinction was really sobering to me as a kid.
(I wasn’t around when it first aired, but my step-dad was a

Sure but either way its name must be ‘Macavity’.

I assumed he had just decided to lay low after being in the ever-growing Star Wars “Fan” hate club but knowing that he had to endure that along with these other mental health issues makes the situation that much harder to hear about. I’m glad his family were forthcoming with the news though, it’s important to shed a

Not related to the spoilers above but I thought it was worth bringing attention to the recent update regarding Jake Lloyd’s mental health struggles:

Alternate universe definitely made the most sense narratively so here’s hoping the ‘real’ explanation doesn’t fall flat.

It’s interesting to note that the Doctor (Jodie) scans Gat (who was awesome and had a great costume and who I hope to see again) and refers to her as a *Gallifreyan* and not a Time Lord.

This may make me a loon, but I’m always so happy to see a Judoon. On the moon, by a lagoon, at high noon, as a hired goon, with a raccoon, singing a tune...their appearance is always a boon and I hope to see them again soon.

For what started out as a boring run-of-the-mill middle of the season filler episode, this one threw us not one but FOUR major curve balls! Who knows if any of this will actually pay off down the road, but I do have to hand it to Chibnall... While he may be a terrible writer, he sure knows how to keep a secret

Yeah she clearly got the part based on her Doctor not her Ruth

All I have to say is HOLY SHIT.

I’ve been hoping for pre-Hartnell incarnations since “The Brain of Morbius.”

So instead of handling trade disputes, the next generation of Jedi will be working to enforce Death Star non-proliferation treaties? :)

The fact that the Nazis rose and World War II happened — along with all the other horrible shit the Nazis did along the way — doesn’t make the end of World War I a happy thing.

History doesn’t sit still, and ending one threat doesn’t mean future threats won’t ever arise. In fact, trying too vigorously to keep the