James Ryan

Foreign exchange students get a three day weekend and say “lets drive to Disneyland, and then to New York, and maybe stop in Chicago and Vegas along the way!” Europe is like a big US city where it takes 45 minutes to go 15 miles; so the vastness of the US is often lost on them. That, and studio’s just don’t care -

Every Londoner who ever lived looks at you askance and says "yeah, its fuckin' annoying innit?"

THANK YOU. As someone who lives near Shoreham / Wardenclyffe, this bugged the crap out of me.

I’m confused about the time travel in this one. We know how earth ends. We know about fixed points in time that you can’t touch. So why would this be another timeline? Why would the end of the human race on earth not be a fixed point?

He may have popped in and stayed with Himself, at least for a good chunk of the 70's and 80's. Providing IT support in the Background.

I was more expecting something like “I had to live here for 77 years...had to watch from a distance as Harold Saxon failed, and failed again—”

Beta Ray Bill.

I don’t know about anyone else but for me the biggest pop-culture ending was Deadspin (RIP), a true loss above so many. An inspiration, acts of solidarity and integrity, in the face of resounding ineptitude.

When the MCU goes high, Abrams goes Reylo.

They forgot where they parked it. 

It would be fun if 6000 is considered teenage for elves and Galadriel in the 2nd age was going through a Stevie Nicks-like goth elf witch phase

Makes sense really, though in the Pertwee era, someone like Fry was more likely playing the stuffy diplomat the Doctor had to Venusian-chop his way through...

Stephen Fry is in UNIT?

I like that “go full Legends” makes a lot of sense and is actually a good thing in late 2019.

The Doctor is big on the whole face stealing thing.

Other Nerd Franchises: They’re reusing the same actor in a different role? They’re disrespecting the continuityyyyyyy!

“People ask me why I’m playing in this picture. The answer is simple: Money, dear boy.” - Laurence Olivier

I Don;t think they’ve quite got a grip on it yet.

It’s not just the DC multiverse getting hit by Crisis either:

You know what they say: the road to hell is paved with Gad intentions.