James Ryan

Next up...all hail the holy bomb.

Annnnnnnd I’m done with the internet for today. Fuck this country

WTF is canned meat?

That joke came far less Swiftly than I expected.

I don’t know, it sounds like a modest proposal to me.

Dammit, you can’t just go around proposing that everybody eat their babies, no matter how modest you are about it.

I think we need to hear from Belichick’s personal trainer before drawing any conclusions.

it seems like most people here think resigning was the wrong move because it won’t hurt the GOP at all. This isn’t about hurting the GOP we won’t EVER win their voters over, it’s showing our base that we stand for something. Democrats win and lose elections based on turnout. And young voters don’t want to see that the

Um, Johnny Depp plays Grindewald not Dumbledore. Jude Law is young Dumbledore.

Man, I hope the pollution controls on that plant are baller, because there’s no way that burning H&M clothing doesn’t produce some truly horrifying emissions.


Tiffany’s makes me think of something...some, deep, blue something....

Well, that’s the one thing we got.

Now playing

When you think of Tiffany’s, you probably think “blue,” “diamonds,” and “breakfast,” in that order.

What about the classics? The Poseidon Adventure, Towering Inferno and Earthquake!

Netflix had a Norwegian film titled The Wave which I expected to hate watch but was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. Natural disaster tsunami in a fjord style, I recommend it.

I didn’t know you could spell ICE with SS.

Well, I found my new answer to the question: “Death challenges you to a game for your soul. What do you pick?”