James Ryan

“The other kings said it was daft to build a castle in a swamp. But I built it all the same, just to show ‘em! It sank into the swamp.”

I didn’t think that Michigan wanted a spread offense.

Mind you moose bites can be very nasty.

So is this bunny related to the Holy Grail one? Like twins, one good one evil? Or is Holy Grail just this bunny’s future, after he’s had his adventures and become corrupt from the power within it drives him to a secluded area to become a hermit that kills any trespassers?

Run awaaaay!

It turns out that the Patriots released their financials as well, but didn't account for inflation.

Yeah I’m not always the biggest T Swift fan but she seems completely right here. If Apple wants to lure people in with a free trial, which is a totally standard marketing move, it’s on them to pay for it as part of their promotion costs. A hotel offering a free night’s stay to new visitors wouldn’t be able to forgo

Yesterday, FIFA announced that Jerome Valcke will not attend Saturday’s opening of the Women’s World Cup in Edmonton, “due to the current situation.”

So...she doxxed his ass?

Superman Lois Lane is a dick.

Future story arc? : Superman deals with being single again

Alternate headlines for this story:

...hope you enjoyed the ride...

Here’s #6:

It can now be used as a plot point, that an automatic car pulls in to a gas station or valet stand, and someone opens a door to find a corpse.

Weekly photoshop contest? Please??????

Thank you for the explanation.

One of the very best sniper films I've ever seen is Enemy At the Gates, which not coincidentally features a fully fleshed-out villain. It's hard to add complexity to someone who by definition kills at a remove, and if he does his job well, his victims never even know he exists. It's a real accomplishment to humanize