James Ryan

Ever see the PUFNSTUF movie? Your description’s not that far off from what we actually got...

Now playing

Let’s see if it lives up to the first time this was tried:

Anxiously awaiting the day that this gets screed as a double feature, paired with this one:

How badly did I need a Foreigner filk lyrics?

It’s urgent...

Well, they haven’t tried to deport white folks back to the UK for a while, although yeah, it’s been a little while since they went after this bloke...

I dunno, there’s someone in the DC-verse that may want to hold onto that title before giving it to Bruce...

Now playing

The spot you have above wasn’t what CBS aired; this is what they ran during the game:

Assuming they did go ahead with this (yes, yes, I read below, but were dealing with a hypothetical, the way professionals map out effects of nuclear weapons going off in a city; no one wants to see it, but we have to prepare just in case), there’s one thing that needs to be determined:

Which child star gets to remold

They might go with the Missouri instead; slightly more storied, even if the New Jersey had a longer career.

Sejanus’ reply to Tiberius when confronted with evidence that he was plotting a coup against the Imperator:

“Well, exc-UUUUUSE ME!”

When I first glanced at this, I was reading “Roman Empire”.

Which, considering Stewart played Sejanus in I CLAUDIUS was not entirely off the mark, especially if we’re trying to consider whether he’s ageless or not...

I mean, look at this:

In other words, do this to him, right...?

Your efforts to grab our attention are so transparent...

  • 2 KitH alumni, Dave Foley and Kevin McDonald

You never take a shortcut with pi; it leads to wildly inaccurate calculations and soggy crusts...

More like V=4/3(22/7)r^3, so kinda-sorta close...

Eh, as long as it’s better than Dimensions In Time...

Yeah, I know, we promised each other we’d never bring that up again, but as long as we’re talking WTF-ery regarding Doctor appearances, well...

Damn, this has gotten me monologing... 

Splashing people can be done with a water cannon either inside the projected Elemental or close thereto, for that one.

For damaging structures, placed charges set to go off by remote. Placed charges that are shaped to do concussive force in a single direction are also good for forcing people back after something “hits”

Considering Mysterio’s schtick, how can make any assumptions?

For all we know, the Elementals we’re seeing here are not the ones we know from comics but could be made-up menaces to have Mysterio claim to be saving folks, manufacturing a crisis that his (other set of special effects) tech gets used to “save” the day