James Ryan

Maybe this'll help put things in context...

Still hooked on THE ZOMBIE HUNTERS by Jenny Romanchuk and THE FOX SISTER by Christina Strain and Jaid Ait-Kaci; these have been consistent driving narratives that continue to deliver.

What, no mention of the ending of the original THE FLY? The scene that made thousands of viewers (including me) arachnophobes? The one with the fly with human parts yelling "Help me... Help me..." as a spider advanced upon the poor SOB?

Small favor: If you're going to preview a film with a red-band trailer, you may want to put a note to that effect in the description. Not everyone has the ability to watch such things during business hours in an environment that tolerates displaying such work, like a cube farm with easily freaked co-workers

In the pre-Internet days, the old joke used to go, "Freedom of speech goes hand in hand with freedom of the press; if you own a press, you're free to have as much speech as you can put out."

Showing my age/weird tastes here: Alpha Centauri has an important place in the history of the TRAVELLER role-playing game, colonized by Earth with generation ships, the colony taking the name Prometheus, that were later visited by Terran jump ships. The way Earth handled the colony's desire for independence became a

"If only this movie had started with Ashley slaughtering her family in an act of crazy revenge, so that she could become an art spectre who lures other angry, alienated kids into Bagul's world. It could have been like a darker version of Gaiman's Neverwhere, or maybe a variation on Valente's novel Palimpsest."

Now playing

I'm sorry to say that the comment about Laurie Anderson misses the point somewhat. Her piece you site, "O Superman," is a component of a much larger performance, UNITED STATES, where she discusses the military-industrial complex as a whole as opposed to any one device. It's easy to assume that the individual piece

Frankly, if you go after the COB performance on this show, it'd be like going after fish in a barrel with a tac-nuke. That's way too easy a target, and something you'd have to give some allowance for in order to allow the series to exist in the first place. As every genre show requires at least one "gimmie" (i.e.,

OK, I ended up watching the pilot thanks to this summary of the third episode, figuring that if the show was going down, I should at least catch the first episode considering how good a set of notices it had.

Refereed by Lord Summerisle from THE WICKER MAN? If yes, get me a ticket for that card!

I wish I could say I was shocked and appalled to see an actor of Christopher Lee's caliber playing an evil malevolent force from beyond the stars, leading his forces in a plan of conquest involving lots of destruction and mayhem.

Part of me wonders how much of this project found its way into the development of the Avro Arrow; any connection whatsoever would be truly ironic, considering the development history of that project...

Having watched the film, I have to ask: Did the ghost of William Castle make a visit to Bloody Disgusting and showed them how he used to drum up business in the old days...?

Having watched the movie, suddenly Starro doesn't seem so silly anymore...

I agree that this is very much a Davies-era episode, but I don't think there's enough appreciation as to the role of the cubes.

I'd like to think that LAST RESORT might be worth it, save for its very tough initial time slot, Thursdays at 8/7 opposite BIG BANG THEORY, 30 ROCK and X FACTOR, two of which have some overlap with its potential audience. The only way this SSBN could blow the ballast tanks and surface with enough audience aboard is

Oh Dear Lord Almighty; thanks for the link, because having now seen the totality of what went into that Scott McCloud-esque infinite panel just makes me marvel all the more...

If Fox wants me to do something like this, they need to allow me to end some of the other shows they had a hand in pulling the plug on before this. Let me know when they allow me to end LOST IN SPACE, THE TIME TUNNEL or LAND OF THE GIANTS, and once I do two of those, *then* maybe we'll justify trying to wrap this

Actually, the Liberty head in that one was just in the movie posters. Shots of Liberty Island, which is the forward base where Snake gets his orders and implant, show the Statue to be in one piece as helicopters fly over her.