James Really Doesnt Care

You mean the future expanded Gulf of Mexico?

Exactly. This guy is obviously a huge troll and the *only* reason he tried to get in was in the hopes of exactly what happened. However, that doesn’t mean he has a point. There are no grey areas in equality. Either you’re equal or you’re not. Substitute s
Would “No blacks allowed” be accepted? Hell no. Not anymore.

It’s not on Jalopnik

How does this not have any stars

Problem is, there’s more body shape variation above the mean than below it. Thus, ready-to-wear clothiers can quickly get out garments that cover half the people by producing one block pattern at a reference size and then grading for all the sizes below it and a couple above it— confident the resulting garments will

What they need to do is go after carmakers painting boring ass cars a boring ass beige and calling the paint Champagne.

Aliens: “We’re working on it! Just give us 5 more years...”

Wait, do I see a small thermal exhaust port right below the main port?

It’s technically not napping when you’re running a length of garden hose from the tail pipe into the cab of the vehicle. 

My girlfriend can sleep anywhere, at any time, no matter what’s going on around her. I am not made of such material and am restless from the moment I wake up, much to her chagrin. This relationship is likely doomed.

I like how you’re pretending you knew that and just forgot.

*Reads first 11 words of your post.*

A Power Wheels Jeep that Rex Ryan customized.


Split the difference, adopt the Penix as a mascot:

Losing to the 49ers is a fireable offense.

Found the Eagles fan.

What are they worried about? That fool can’t melt steel beams.


Josh Gordon Says He Got Drunk Before Every Browns Game