I really wish they had pushed or supported Second Chance more. It was a good show.
I really wish they had pushed or supported Second Chance more. It was a good show.
I just figured that Cersei was talking names and faces when she was doing her walk. She remembers it all.
Seth: "I had an idea to inject just a bit of humor and fun into this because what's more than being the Flash?"
Zack: "You're fired."
I thought it was pretty obvious that Black Sky refers to those with Mutant genes. They just can't say mutants.
Big Head is going to come out ahead in the end of all of this I think. He was developing that nipple app and now he's a multi millionaire with a boat and a high profile as a successful Hooli expat. Something tells me he's going to keep bumbling into deal after deal until he has 3 commas and a car with doors that open…
And he's not thinking about that recording in context. If a judge hears it, it could sound like Jimmy was just saying all that to cheer up his mentally ill brother who Jimmy thought was going over the edge by quitting his job and giving up on life. Jimmy could easily spin everything he said and he never confessed he…
I would have added Peter Stormare as Satan in the Constantine movie. Definitely the best Satan I've ever seen. He just dripped evil and malice.
Yeah I stopped after the Christmas Episode. Wish I'd stopped before. Let's hope this version doesn't make the same mistakes.
He did look legitimately surprised by Firestorm though.
Really glad that "This is not happening" got renewed. It can be hit or miss but the stories when they land are hilarious and this season has been great.
Very likely that it does eventually show up. But since it was so easy to watch it legally for free it might be a bit harder for them to justify paying for a license. But yeah first new anime I've watched in years and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Fantastic animation, action and comedy.
Nah they've started including newer shows along with the classics they used to show. It's still only one night a week but I'm glad they have it.
Despite occasionally being nice like here if you actually had to interact with anyone that acted like Sheldon you would have cut him out of your life or punched him in the face a long time ago.
Briefly wondered if this was going to be based on the terrible movie Mindhunters. It had a heck of an interesting cast but was a terrible movie. Christian Slater (who dies about 10 minutes in) Johnny Lee Miller (with the worst fake southern accent ever) Val Kilmer, LL Cool J and others… I may have to go back and watch…
Loving this season but man Rusty is really going downhill fast. He fired everyone at his brothers company and has no way to come up with anything new plus he just got raided and lost all or most of his stuff. And it all got blown up.
I really enjoyed Misfits but when too much of the cast changed I lost interest. It wasn't just one character but when everyone on the show changes powers and then people start dying it was interesting but I don't care about what happens to these new people.
Well they hinted that the SSR is getting shut down piece by piece since the war is over. That should lead to the creation of shield but it didn't come up much. I really hope we get a season 3 to tell that story.
Unfortunately the writers have said that DC has now declared Deathstroke to be off limits. So we won't see him back on the show. DC is so dumb on this, they really want it both ways. They want the Movies to be able to have its own versions of Flash (even using Barry Allen when others speedsters were available) but at…
Because he hasn't been around much Cooper is able to convey this casual intensity and menace whenever he shows up. You just know something important is happening or could happen when you actually see him talking to people.
Brian as the lead really carries the show. I can't imagine that this show would be as successful or as fun to watch if they had cast someone different in the lead.