James Picard

Nah, she's not punching it. She's kicking him where the sun don't shine. And I don't mean the alien planet.

Skylar White disease? Huh. Do you think it's contagious? Because Laurel caught a big case of it in the first half of Arrow Season 2, and I think Felicity might've picked up a minor case of it, which she gave to Iris.

There it is again! Does something happen to the Earth's gravitational pull in the future?

He's not doing it for the money. He said so at the end of the episode. He enjoys the thrill. He gets off on robbing places. The money's just a bonus.

To be fair, when Tommy found out things were different. Oliver was still a murderer.

Maybe he just wasn't into Felicity. That can happen, you know.

I do think there's seeds for a good character in Nyssa, but I agree with the Laurel-hate part, it's just getting way too over-the-top.

Oliver wants to ensure that the people he takes down face proper justice. Maybe it's not the most effective way to stop him, but Oliver's commitment to ensuring he faces a court is no different than a police officer doing the same. He's doing the right thing, even if it isn't easy or practical.

I can't believe I'm not the only one who thought that!

So what I'm wondering is did they steal E = MC Hammer from Farscape, or is it just a coincidence?

Did anyone else seem to think there were parts that sounded like Danny Elfman's Spider-Man theme? Or was that just me looking for similarities? I'm no complaining about them though, I like the idea that the Flash is the best live-action Spider-Man show and Daredevil is the best live-action Batman show.

Why? Wouldn't it simply be better for the writers to find a better way to use her character and make her likable? Why does she need to die just when they're finally turning her character around?

Well this is a comment that's uncomfortable with hindsight. Though I suppose it'd be hard for any villain to live up to Slade, the dude's basically Arrow's version of Khan.