you really need to watch 'Room 237' today. it is on Netflix streaming
you really need to watch 'Room 237' today. it is on Netflix streaming
the movie is a dud.
the documentary about the movie: 'Room 237' is very interesting.
The end credits feature 'Roll Me Away", I remember thinking at the time 'how poignant' and I how I had never given Bob Segar enough credit as a song-writer.
I'm tired of "simple" always being described as "deceptively simple"
youtube has a lot of interviews with DEVO. I had always thought Mark Mothersburg was the genius in the band…yet he always shuts up when Bob Casale begins to speak.
Frank Llyod Wright did this with Talesin East and West. It saved him.
why not?
nancy drew so crushed the hardy boys. Miss Drew has to be the all-time, all-american girl. Smart, stylish, solving murders? where the hell is the way over due, way over blown, hollywood remake?
Yankee Doodle Dandy, White Heat
and Humphrey Bogart is OK too. :-)
Cagney is criminally underrated. Great in so many films. I think he won the Oscar for Yankee Doodle Dandy as a song and dance man?
on the other hand, I still remember where I was when I first heard Van Halen I. my only other crystal clear 'who the fuck is this?' moment was Matthew Sweet Girlfriend.
yes, I agree. well said.
methinks the martian doth protest too much…everyone loves disco
why does edward norton always play basketball? he sucks. Spike Lee with court side Knicks seats should know this better than anyone.
about half of all chess grandmasters are left handed, similarly architects. I think it is a spatial relations thing.
good one. :-)
'Man on Wire' is so good. Afraid to see this and be disappointed.