
um…young Russians were/are groomed and drilled by a massive chess system, which weeds out the weak and unstable. Fischer (a loner, inventive ego-maniac, uncoachable) never would have made it out of Russia's youth ranks. I would imagine that there are many more shabby chess crazy young men in Moscow (analyzing

quite a few chess players go crazy. The condition is well documented and feared. Searching for Bobby Fischer (I think) makes this dangerous obsession a sub plot.

America treated Fischer like a national hero, before and after Rekajvik. Kissinger (a chess player) stepped in at the last moment to persuade Fischer to play Spassky for the world championship. At the time, I believe Fischer was in NYC, and way overdue in Iceland,

Fischer was brilliant, but his paranoia was just crazy, as was his entire personal (and professional) life. I think a film in which Fischer's paranoia is validated would need to be entirely fictional

the difficult thing about filming a chess match is that only .1% of the audience can grasp why a move was exciting (!!) Fischer's famous queen sacrifice game where he won ten moves later, is perhaps the most exciting game in the history of chess, and could be a drama filled sequence. But even a genius like Fischer

I think one of the bars said "we open at 6am". cheers!

I had guiness, and coffee. went back upstairs called my wife in Cambridge and she said "get out of there." I said "relax, they flew from here to get to the target." The USS Constitution was/is not a huge terrorist priority.

9-11 was the day I first realized that some Boston bars are open at 9:00am. I was at the office, got a call from my wife, went downstairs, outside, to find a TV…and had several options. "you guys are open?"

What? Trailer Park Boys? no wonder this is so funny.

I've been watching 'black' comedies since The Jeffersons and Good Times. This is the funniest. :-) then again Sanford and Son frequently got a chuckle.

reading Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment age 13
spoiler alert: the ax murder.

Mass Ave and Newbury St. good times.

Kinda like trying to name an american conservative who lived in the 1800's. Of course they existed. of course they are forgotten. Rigorously supporting the status quo, or pining for the past….is a dead end.

I'm squemish, I always wanted him to make it.

this guy's funny. great idea for Will Smith's redemption.

finally agree with one of these. Horrid.

write it down and read it if you forget. easy enough to embellish. also: Bertie Wooster would insist you have 2 goodish sized whiskey and sodas before.
also also: 'what we earnestly aspire to be…that in some sense, we already are.'

watched 15 minutes on Netflix. click.

this is funny?

even as a kid…I always thought Evel and 2 hours of hype for 20 seconds of action was a big joke.