James Parr

Did we really need Skye's moronic adventure wasting half the episode? Wow, she traced the money! SHIELD should have done that. Plus, she looked like a child pretending to be May. Huebel must have been high to believe her act.

Yeah, digital has the effect of making stuff feel more real, like you just shot this movie with your iPhone. That kind of realism hurts a period film, where you want the product to feel like it's from that time and place. Bad digital can make a period film feel phony.

I think Summer Rental is still my favorite Candy movie.

I would argue that many comedies don't fit well into the series mold. Often the premise has no status that would work for repeated adventures. Most comedies are built around once in a lifetime adventures. Seriously, how do you make a sequel to a movie about two guys dragging around a dead body? But Star Trek lends

We wasted so much time with the Brody family when it didn't matter and we get nothing from them at the end? WTF? Once Brody became famous in Tehran, we should have gotten something with the family. I feel like we'll come back next season and just hear Dana talk about how this affected them. But I would have loved to

Hey, a 2009 Ferngully joke!

Plenty I haven't seen, but that number one choice? Brilliant.

I think sidelining Chris and giving so much to Dana was a huge mistake. Dana's understandable trauma over her father's actions became typical teenage rebellion. But having both kids react and bounce stuff off each other would have been a much better way to handle the fallout of Brody's actions.

We got eyepatch Slade and Flash's origin in the same episode? Awesome.

A list that includes Man of Steel and leaves off Into Darkness? Not right. But that Die Hard 5? Terrible.

Last week the ratings made a huge jump back up.

Yeah, but then she got her memory wiped. Tragic end. Wouldn't have been better for her to have that arc and then get a happy ending.

I think we're blaming him for episodes he didn't write. The number of scripts with his name on them each season is still minor.
Doctor Who isn't written like a US show with a writer's room. Each script is less of a group piece.

I'm all aboard the Moffat train on this one. I enjoyed the new show with nine and ten, but didn't love it. Moffat's playfulness with his plots is so much more fun than most of Davies' stuff. I can see criticism and agree with some of it, but I enjoy the Moffat era more. What I like is that the showrunners each have a

I must be in bizarro world. This was a good episode.

This is getting a lot of love, but it does nothing for me. I never liked Malcolm in the Middle and the video concept, while just copying Newhart has also been an internet wish for a long time now. It just seems like they had to do it, not like it was some great idea they thought of. Meh.

Wesley! My favorite Buffyverse character. Good to see Denisof working more.

The Dana storyline is nuts. What kind of a mother just lets her daughter do that? The whole thing has been a mistake. This is how the Brody family reacts? Mom is fairly normal, Chris is not even a character and Dana is every teen cliche. Atrocious.

Right up there with some of the best Mad Men firm shenanigans. Excellent.

I didn't mind Carrie's notepad. The lawyer looked at it like she thought Carrie was nuts, but I've seen plenty of weird note taking styles.